Source code for hipparchus.ccf

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.stats import mad_std

__all__ = ['CCF', 'cross_corr']

[docs]def cross_corr(spectrum, template, start_lam=-2, end_lam=2, n_steps=1000, sigma=None, spread_factor=10): """ Cross-correlation of the spectrum and template. Parameters ---------- spectrum : `~hipparchus.Spectrum` Spectrum object (may be an order of an echelle spectrum). template : `~hipparchus.Template` Template object to correlate against the spectrum. start_lam : float Start wavelength relative to mean wavelength end_lam : float End wavelength relative to mean wavelength n_steps : int Number of steps to compute the CCF over between ``start_lam`` and ``end_lam`` sigma : float Gaussian smoothing filter width (standard deviation) spread_factor : float Gaussian smoothing filter width spread scaling factor Returns ------- ccf : `~hipparchus.CCF` Cross-correlation object. """ dx_range = np.linspace(start_lam, end_lam, n_steps)[:, np.newaxis] shifted_wavelengths = spectrum.wavelength - dx_range lam0 = spectrum.wavelength.mean() * u.Angstrom velocities = (lam0 + dx_range*u.Angstrom).to(, u.doppler_optical(lam0)) if sigma is None: sigma = ((spectrum.wavelength[1] - spectrum.wavelength[0]) / (template.wavelength[1] - template.wavelength[0]) / spread_factor) smoothed_emission = gaussian_filter1d(template.emission, sigma) T = interp1d(template.wavelength, smoothed_emission, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)(shifted_wavelengths) x = np.repeat(spectrum.flux[:, np.newaxis], n_steps, axis=1).T ccf = np.average(x, weights=T, axis=1) return CCF(velocities, ccf, header=spectrum.header)
[docs]class CCF(object): """ Storage object for cross-correlation functions """ def __init__(self, velocities, ccf, header=None): self.velocities = velocities self.ccf = ccf self.header = header
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the CCF. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis object kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to the matplotlib ``plot`` function Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(self.velocities, self.ccf/np.median(self.ccf), **kwargs) # ax.set_xlabel('$\Delta v$ [km/s]') # noqa # ax.set_ylabel('CCF') return ax
@property def rv(self): """ Approximate radial velocity of the star """ return self.velocities[np.argmin(self.ccf)] @property def signal_to_noise(self): """ Approximate signal-to-noise of the strongest absorption feature """ return (np.median(self.ccf) - self.ccf.min()) / mad_std(self.ccf)